In Vermont and around the globe, the biggest story of 2020 was the COVID-19 pandemic. But there were other events that will have lasting implications for…
On Tuesday night, Vermont voters elected Molly Gray as the state’s next Lieutenant Governor. The current assistant attorney general had never run for…
Vermonters continued a long tradition of electing a governor and lieutenant governor from opposite parties on Election Day. Bidding for a third term,…
Perhaps the closest and most contentious race in Vermont this year is for lieutenant governor. The open position features a Republican who has mounted…
The closest race in Vermont’s general election is for Lieutenant Governor. VPR/Vermont PBS hosted a debate Tuesday between Democrat Molly Gray and…
The general election for Vermont Lieutenant Governor this fall will feature two candidates who have never held public office. The Democrat is running her…
A Republican who ran unsuccessfully for Vermont governor in 2014 is running for lieutenant governor.Travel agency owner Scott Milne lost a gubernatorial…
Vermont’s Patrick Leahy is the most senior member of the U.S. Senate. First elected in 1974 he was the first Democrat the state ever sent to the Senate.…
Neither of the two top Republicans seeking office in Vermont this fall agrees with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump that this fall's vote could be…
Republican Scott Milne has made it official. He's looking to unseat the U.S. Senate's longest-serving member, Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy.The travel…