Living Wage Week is being observed in western Massachusetts. Members of the Living Wage Western Massachusetts organization that formed in 2008 are holding…
The New York budget deal came down to the final minutes before the deadline in Albany, and in the “Fight for $15,” upstate will be capped at $12.50. Hours…
Buffalo and Rochester are moving to raise the minimum wage of municipal employees to $15 an hour as part of Governor Andrew Cuomo's push to raise the wage…
The battle to raise the wage in New York continues. Franchise owners have filed formal objections to Governor Andrew Cuomo's plan to raise the minimum…
The three members of a state board meeting in Albany to consider minimum wage increases for New York's fast-food workers say salaries should rise, though…
The Fight For 15 campaign could see results today. The board considering a minimum wage increase for New York's fast-food workers has begun public…
Protesters in Albany have joined a national push today called “Fight for 15,” as workers and activists demand higher pay at low-wage jobs. The workers and…
When it comes to bringing home the bacon, some women in the Capital Region are doing it better than men – The difference in wages for men and women across…
More than 40 business owners and chamber of commerce executives from New York City, Long Island and the Hudson Valley announced their support Monday for…
Economic inequality and minimum wage are becoming increasingly discussed topics during these turbulent economic times.Chris Fee, professor of English at…