A color trendspotter and forecaster, Keith Recker brings 35 years of experience to the subject of color. His clients have included global influencers Pantone, WSNG, Stylus, Color Association of the United States, and more. He is author of "True Colors: World Masters of Natural Dyes and Pigments" and coauthor of "PANTONE: The Twentieth Century in Color."His new book is "Deep Color : The Shades That Shape Our Souls."
A color trendspotter and forecaster, Keith Recker brings 35 years of experience to the subject of color. His clients have included global influencers Pantone, WSNG, Stylus, Color Association of the United States, and more. He is author of "True Colors: World Masters of Natural Dyes and Pigments" and coauthor of "PANTONE: The Twentieth Century in Color."His new book is "Deep Color : The Shades That Shape Our Souls."
"True Colors: World Masters of Natural Dyes & Pigments" by color and trends consultant Keith Recker presents the work and vision of twenty-six natural dye…