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Draft Invasive Control Plan for Lake George Basin Released

The Lake George Park Commission has issued a draft plan for lake-wide invasive species control and prevention.

Lake George is infested with several invasive species that officials have been attempting to control, including the Asian Clam, Zebra Mussels, and Eurasian Watermilfoil.  At the same time, new invasives like the quagga mussell and hydrilla are poised to enter the lake and could cause even more damage.

The “Draft Invasive Species Prevention Plan and Environmental Impact Statement” offers a number of alternative measures to prevent the spread of invasive species into Lake George.  The goal is to prevent new invasives from entering the lake,  according to Lake George Park Commission Executive Director Dave Wick.

Wick says the alternatives include mandatory boat inspections and boater self-certification programs.

Lake George Waterkeeper Chris Nativsky has been anticipating issuance of the draft for months.  He supports mandatory lake-wide boat inspection and decontamination.

Lake George Association Executive Director Walt Lender calls the issuance of the draft plan a big step for Lake George.

Several towns and organizations around the lake have implemented voluntary inspection and washing programs.  Lender joins the voices agreeing that boat inspections must be mandatory and implemented lakewide.

The draft plan is available for public review and comments will be taken through June 25th. 

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