A new poll finds New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is at his lowest ranking since taking office, with signs that the governor’s feud with the teachers’ union is taking its toll.
Cuomo’s job approval rating stands at 50 percent, down 8 points just from last December, before the legislative session began and the governor began a more public feud with the state’s teachers unions, says Quinnipiac University spokesman Mickey Carroll.
“It’s not very good,” said Carroll. “A governor should do better than 50."
The poll also asked who voters trusted more, the governor or the teachers union. 55 percent sided with the teachers; just 28 percent said they trusted Cuomo. Cuomo has called the teachers union and their allies part of bloated bureaucracy that needs to be broken, teachers have responded with mass rallies at the Capitol and around the state, as well as negative TV ads.
The poll comes as Cuomo announced a two-way ethics agreement with the Assembly. The Senate needs to sign on in order for it to become law.