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Commissioners to Consider Mandatory Boat Inspections to Prevent Invasive Species

FUND for Lake George

The Lake George Park Commission will hold a special meeting next week to discuss a plan to prevent aquatic invasive species from entering the lake.

The meeting on Tuesday follows a summer and fall assessing alternatives for keeping new invasive species out of Lake George. The Lake George Park Commission worked with communities surrounding the basin. It resulted in a recommendation from their consultant that a mandatory boat inspection program be imposed.  Commission Executive Director Dave Wick says the upcoming meeting will examine how such a mandatory program would work.

Dave Wick says a number of alternatives were considered, but mandatory boat inspections appear to be the most effective prevention strategy.

Lake George Waterkeeper Chris Navitsky says after proceeding very slowly on the issue, the Park Commission has now recognized the need for an invasive management plan.
The meeting, a workshop on the proposed invasive prevention plan for the Commissioners of the Lake George Park Commission, is open to the public, but is not a public hearing.

It is scheduled Tuesday afternoon from 3 until 5 at the Fort William Henry Conference Center in Lake George.