New York’s economic recovery continues to add jobs around the state.As Hudson Valley Bureau Chief Dave Lucas reports, the upward trend has the private sector looking for more employees…
The State Labor Department says New York’s private sector continues steady growth while the labor force expands at a rapid pace:
Capital Region labor Market Analyst James Ross says that the latest numbers show that New York's private sector job count now stands at 7,321,400 – an all-time high.
Ross says Columbia County's job counts increased over the month but remain down over the year - Ross reports "a little bit of an uptick" in Greene County.
Jonny Nelson, regional market analyst in the Hudson Valley for the New York State Department of Labor, points to one of the bright spots: Kingston, where private sector job growth outpaced other areas in the region. Ulster County Executive Mike Hein wants to see more growth and more opportunities throughout the valley.
Next-Act of Colonie's Dan Moran adds that across Eastern New York, Job POSTINGS were "up" last week. Ithaca and Elmira were the only metro areas in the state to lose private sector jobs between May 2011 and May 2012.