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Confounding and confusing events 2/28/24

Researchers believed for the better part of a century that the first people to cross the Bering Land Bridge were the Clovis, who made the journey shortly before 13,000 years ago. This appears to be inaccurate as the evidence suggests that the original inhabitants were ancient north Siberians and east Asians who mingled 20,000 – 23,000 years ago, and crossed the Bering Land Bridge sometime between then and 15,500 years ago, which makes their arrival approximately 2,500 years before the Clovis. There is ample evidence of their activity as far south as New Mexico.

It appears Justice Alito is making noises about overturning the same sex marriage decision, and along with his compatriot, Justice Thomas who descended in the 2015 case. They are again, bound and determined to overturn Supreme Court precedent. These two people failed to recognize that exactly the same thing that is now happening in Congress, with the tit-for-tat impeachments will also occur once the Court moves back to the liberal column which it eventually will, and those precedents will also be overturned. These, unfortunately, are men of very limited and narrow vision, as they focus solely on their ideology, not on the history of the Supreme Court, nor the importance of precedents and stability.

Jobless claims fell to a 5-week low of 201,000, a signal that the labor market remains vibrant. Economists predicted 216,000 claims – a variance of almost 8%.

Candidate Trump made two pitches to the Black voters. His sneaker line will attract them, as will his mug shots. Racism and condescension at their best.

A loud thank you to the Alabama Supreme Court for bringing women’s productive rights back into the frontlines of the 2024 election, from Presidential to local elections. Even Mr. Trump is scrambling with this gift from his favorites in the right wing.

Scientists have discovered a 240,000,000-year-old dragon dinosaur fossil which was discovered in China from the Triassic period bearing a name beyond my ability to pronounce. Incredible insights into our world 240,000,000 years ago.

In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal the paper praised Goldman’s chief economist as having nailed several big calls. Yan Hatzius called the 2008 housing crisis and recession, and predicted a soft landing in 2023. He has not always been right, but on the big ones he has. He is predicting for 2024, we will see inflation decline to around 2%, except for food and fuel, and growth will be 2.3% while unemployment will stay below 4%. He also predicts that there is little risk of recession. I suspect he is worth following for economic insights for those of us who need help. I will let you determine if you do.

China is in a rush to dominate the AI market, but has one major problem. Its technology comes from the United States, so it either has to reverse engineer what we have developed or steal it. In either event, the process is slowed down and allows American inventors to get out in front, if you will, of the Chinese in this race. The AI developers in China are also negatively impacted by China’s regulations in this and many other areas, as well as its sagging economy. We need to stay ahead in this race, and to make sure we are doing everything we can to prevent the stealing of technology.

Futures in the stock market surged on the news of NVIDIA’s earnings, which posted record revenue for the chip giant, and beat guidance. This result certainly fits with what I noted above in terms of economic growth for 2024.

Bill Owens is a former member of Congress representing the New York 21st, a partner in Stafford, Owens, Piller, Murnane, Kelleher and Trombley in Plattsburgh, NY and a Strategic Advisor at Dentons to Washington, DC.

The views expressed by commentators are solely those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of this station or its management.

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