The Dogs of Desire is the Albany Symphony Orchestra’s groundbreaking, eighteen-member, chamber ensemble. The ensemble performs all-new music from some of America’s most creative up-and-coming living composers. Since 1994, the Dogs have commissioned well over 100 new works from emerging American composers, gaining a national reputation among young composers as a proving ground for emerging talent.
The group provides a unique medium for vocalists and a wide variety of amplified instruments to create a contemporary and energetic melding of orchestral chamber music – combining the power and punch of a rock band with the precision and clarity of a chamber ensemble.
As part of the American Music Festival, Dogs of Desire, will perform at EMPAC at 7:30 Friday night. We are joined by trumpeter Eric Berlin, oboist Karen Hosmer, David Alan Miller, and composer Robert Paterson. Friday marks the World Premiere of his new work, “Ghost Theatre.”