Albany, NY –
Alan Chartock in conversation with Jeffrey Deskovic and David Kaczynski on wrongful conviction and criminal justice reform.
Jeffrey Deskovic was convicted in 1990 at age 16 of raping and murdering a high school classmate. The jury knew that DNA evidence from the crime scene did not match Deskovic, but it convicted him anyway based on testimony from a Peekskill, NY detective that Deskovic had confessed to the crime. In 2006, the DNA from the crime was matched to another inmate who is serving a life term for another murder. This inmate has confessed to the crime. In 2006 Deskovic's conviction was overturned and he was released.
David Kaczynski is the Executive Director of New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty, a coalition of individuals and organizations who seek abolition of capital punishment.
Dr. Alan Chartock is President and CEO of WAMC/Northeast Public Radio where he also serves as the station's chief political analyst, host of WAMC's weekly The Capitol Connection, and The Media Project, as well as Executive Producer for the station's in-house production arm, National Productions. Visit Alan on Facebook, or see his creative side with his band The Berkshire Ramblers.
Listen to additional interviews by Dr. Chartock at WAMC's In Conversation With...