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WAMC's Million Dollar Spring Fund Drive

WAMC Northeast Public Radio will begin its annual spring fund drive on Monday, June 4th at 6 a.m.  The money raised will support the station’s award-winning programming and the day-to-day operations of the station.

“In the end, WAMC is no stronger than its members.  Up to now we have made it because many of our listeners have made their contributions,” says Alan Chartock, WAMC Northeast Public Radio's President and CEO.  “We can only hope that everyone who listens will be part of this community.  The day that doesn’t happen will be the end of WAMC, but we have great hope for our future.”

The fund drive will run from 6 a.m. through 10 p.m. every day until the goal is reached. Listeners may also make contributions before, during and after the fund drive at WAMC's secure website, http://www.wamc.org/.  Beginning at 6 a.m. on June 4th, listeners can phone in at 800-323-9262.

Many local, regional and national businesses and individuals help the station raise their funds and show their continued support of WAMC by generously donating items, food and services for on-air giveaways and drawings. Plus a fund drive would not be complete without mention of the hundreds of wonderful volunteers who will once again donate their time to answer telephones during the drive.  WAMC is always looking for volunteers and donators.  If you would like to volunteer your time or if your business would like to make a donation for the station to use as a pledge incentive during the fund drive, please contact Fund Drive Coordinators Katie Horn at (x171), khorn@wamc.org or Brent Danzig at (x144), bdanzig@wamc.org