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Logging Industry Calls for Lift on Moratorium

By Lucas Willard


Pittsfield, MA – The Massachusetts Wood Producers Association, or MWPA, recently wrote a letter to the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation asking for a lift of the three year moratorium of timber harvesting on state-owned land.

The moratorium was placed by the DCR in 2009 after public scrutiny of the lack of agency oversight of logging operations. The state launched the "Forest Futures Visioning Process" to review forest management plans and to determine the public benefits and values of public land.

Jeff Poirier of the MWPA argues that enough time has passed, with the timber industry taking a hit and wood producers losing jobs.

The MWPA wants to harvest the thousands of trees knocked down in recent years by large storms - saying there is no need to these natural resources. Their letter also stated that the accumulation of fuel in recent years - deteriorating and dead wood - has led to an increased risk of wildfires.

David Celino is the Chief Fire Warden of the DCR. He explained there are 3 things a forest fire needs before it can start. They are fuel - including ignitable smaller material such as dry brush and leaves, weather - consistent dry weather patterns, and topography - the relative terrain of an area. He explains that the recent bad weather events from the 2008 Ice storm, the June tornado, to Tropical Storm Irene, to the October snowstorm can provide evidence for the MWPA's concern.

Celino also noted that a primary concern for wood producers is safety.
The Berkshire Eagle reported that Peter Church, the DCR's Director of Forest Stewardship said that the woodlands of the state were hurt by "many different ways by many different storms," and that he continues to support the visioning process, which will end in late 2012. He also mentioned that 120,000 acres of forest land will be reopened at that time.