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Reports Indicate Proponents Widely Outspent Opponents in Campaign to Pass Vermont's Gay Marriage Bill

By Pat Bradley


Montpelier, VT – Lobbyist disclosure reports showing how much was spent by both sides before the Vermont legislature's approval of a same-sex marriage bill in April were due earlier this week. The numbers show that proponents outspent opponents by a large margin. WAMC North Country Bureau Chief Pat Bradley has more.

Spending reports filed with the Vermont Secretary of State's office obtained by the Associated Press show that while supporters of the same-sex marriage proposal spent nearly 300-thousand dollars, opponents sent about 42-thousand dollars. Vermont Freedom to Marry Action Committee Chair Beth Robinson says they were determined to do everything they could to assure passage of the bill.

Take It to the People is one of the Vermont groups that opposed the bill. Executive Director Craig Benson says they were at a disadvantage during the campaign.

Middlebury College Professor Emeritus of Political Science Eric Davis says when you look at this spending compared to other issues, it was not a major outlay.

Middlebury's Eric Davis believes the spending did not influence the outcome of the Legislature's vote.

Vermont's marriage equality law takes effect September first.