We’ve almost pulled out of Afghanistan and some are already looking for the next target for our superpower – Iran? North Korea? Americans like to act…
I wonder what Germans could have done to stop Hitler in 1932, before or after he had the keys to power.One option was to fight back. Some believe we have…
I don’t like pack journalism. Seems too unoriginal, and mostly found in wrong-wing politics. They have a huge, repeating megaphone. Determine what point…
I’ve been chomping at the bit to get back to the studio to record but the surgeon said “Sit down, sit down, sit down, you’re splitting my stitches.” Well,…
Trump talks tough. His world strategy seems to go it alone in every context.· He antagonized Canada over NAFTA and Mexico over the wall.· He antagonized…
Justice Scalia’s death creates a vacancy on the Supreme Court. The next president may have more to fill. Deciding cases as if it were the Sheriff of…
I’m writing this after a party for what Persians call Yalda, the winter soltice. There is a significant Persian community in this area, refugees,…
There was an interesting event at Albany Law recently.To open, Rabbi David Gordis explained that thoughtful supporters of Israel actually agree with…
I’d like to address the debate over guns from an angle very different than the general conversation. Most of the conversation is about whether guns…
Global warming is the earth’s response to unrestrained capitalism. Everybody gets to make, buy and use whatever they want without regard to how it affects…