Bryon Hefner, the estranged husband of former Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg, a Democrat from Amherst, has pleaded guilty to three felony…
After a successful write-in campaign to secure the Democratic nomination in Massachusetts’ Hampshire, Franklin, and Worcester Senate District, Jo…
The estranged husband of former Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg has pleaded guilty to placing harassing phone calls to a treatment facility…
Four people say they plan to campaign to win election to the Massachusetts Senate seat that was held for over a quarter-century by Amherst Democrat Stan…
Concern there might be an uncontested race for a rare opening for a state Senate seat in western Massachusetts quickly evaporated this week. In the wake…
Chelsea Kline, a political newcomer, now appears all but guaranteed to succeed Stan Rosenberg in the Massachusetts Senate. Kline, a Democrat from…
WAMC's David Guistina speaks with Samantha Wood, Managing Editor of News for The Berkshire Eagle, about Stan Rosenberg's resignation from the…
Massachusetts State Senator Stan Rosenberg has resigned. A four-decade legislative career that began in western Massachusetts and culminated with the…
Massachusetts State Senator Stan Rosenberg is resigning effective 5 p.m. Friday. The Amherst Democrat and former Senate president has been under fire…
The husband of Massachusetts state Senator Stanley Rosenberg has been indicted on charges of sexual assault, distributing nude photos without consent and…