Former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake will participate in the Michael S. and Kitty Dukakis Pulblic Policy Lecture Series for the Massachusetts College of…
Zephyr Teachout is an attorney, political activist, and anti-trust and corruption expert. A rising star on the left, she was part of the team of lawyers…
Since his election to the U.S. Senate in 2006, Ohio’s Sherrod Brown has sat on the Senate floor at a mahogany desk with a proud history. In "Desk 88," he…
There are 435 members of the House, but just 100 Senators.In today’s Congressional Corner, Connecticut U.S. Senator Chris Murphy speaks with WAMC’s Alan…
Hugh Hewitt interviewed candidate Trump fifteen times on his nationally syndicated show during the 2016 campaign and participated as a panelist in four…
Republicans in Washington are in their strongest position in years.In today’s Congressional Corner, Congressional Quarterly’s David Hawkings tells WAMC’s…
In the U.S. Senate, the difference between 51 and 49 is wide.In today’s Congressional Corner, Union College political science professor Brad Hays tells…
The presidential election is getting most of the headlines, but we have three branches of government.In today’s Congressional Corner, Union College…
There is considerable speculation that Democrats could take control of the U.S. Senate in November. During an event in downtown Burlington this afternoon,…
Our government is failing us. From health care to immigration, from the tax code to climate change, our political institutions cannot deal effectively…