Seth Abramson is a former criminal defense attorney and criminal investigator who teaches digital journalism, legal advocacy, and cultural theory at the…
WAMC's Dr. Alan Chartock discusses President Trump's shifting tone on Iran, and U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren's rise in the 2020 Democratic presidential…
WAMC's Dr. Alan Chartock shares his thoughts on President Donald Trump's remarks regarding Saudi Arabia. Dr. Chartock also discusses the Camp fire in…
WAMC’s Dr. Alan Chartock shares his thoughts on Hurricane Michael and climate change. Dr. Chartock also discusses the disappearance of journalist Jamal…
President Trump arrived in the Arabian desert hoping to realign the politics of the Middle East in the aftermath of a failed Obama policy. For eight years…
The U.S.-Saudi relationship is getting a closer look.In today’s Congressional Corner, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy discusses foreign policy with…
In the case of China it is not clear if they are foe or friend with an argument to be made on both sides of the issue. In the case of Saudi Arabia there…
If ever there was a need for U.S. diplomatic intervention in Middle East, this is the moment. Instead of sitting on the sidelines as a disinterested…
The trial and subsequent execution of Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimir has led to a storm of protest leading to the destruction of the Saudi embassy in Tehran.…
From 2009 to the present, the Obama administration has been committed to the withdrawal of American forces from the Middle East, replaced by the…