Adirondack environmental groups are lauding a ruling from New York’s highest court that finds a Department of Environmental Conservation project building…
In early July, the New York Appellate Court issued a split decision on a lawsuit filed by Protect the Adirondacks in 2013 challenging the state’s plan to…
New York is appealing a court decision that has halted trail work in the Adirondacks.The Department of Environmental Conservation is asking the state's…
In 2013, Protect the Adirondacks filed a lawsuit challenging the legality of New York state’s plan to cut trees in the Forest Preserve and build nearly 27…
A new report by Protect the Adirondacks says the region’s economy and population from 1970 to 2010 largely mirrored that of the rest of rural America,…
New York State has begun the process of applying to the federal Surface Transportation Board for the formal abandonment of a 30-mile section of the…
The Saratoga and North Creek Railroad has brought the first tanker cars it plans to park on a siding in the Adirondacks. Environmental groups opposing the…
Some Adirondack environmental organizations are raising concerns over a plan by a railroad to store unused rail cars along tracks it leases in Warren…
Arguments were heard this week in state Supreme Court on whether cutting trees to create new snowmobile trails in the Adirondacks violate the "forever…
Two Adirondack environmental advocacy groups are suing New York state, seeking to block implementation of revisions to the land management plan for the…