An interview with Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Richard A. Clarke served for thirty years in national security policy roles in the US Government, first in the Pentagon, then the State Department, and…
Miriam Pemberton is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. She directs its Peace Economy Transitions Project which focuses on helping to…
Joseph Califano, Jr. spent thirty years in Washington at the top of the Pentagon, on the White House staff as chief domestic advisor to the President, and…
Helene Cooper is the Pulitzer Prize–winning Pentagon correspondent for The New York Times, having previously served as White House Correspondent,…
The Air Force is downsizing a base in western Massachusetts. The Westover Air Force Reserve Base in Chicopee is going to lose both aircraft and jobs. The…
The Pentagon has recommended broad cutbacks.In today’s Congressional Corner, New York Congressman Bill Owens discusses the changing military with WAMC’s…
Today's panelists are WAMC’s Alan Chartock, newsman Ray Graf and also joining us is University at Albany Journalism Professor and Investigative Reporter,…