Whatever happened to elected political officials openly articulating their ideological vales to the public? I’m not just waxing poetic here about the lost…
Prior to World War I alliances across Europe created an environment in which one event, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, could set in motion…
From the ambassadors representing the Italian City States to Castlereagh and Henry Kissinger, a nation’s international relations were managed through…
It has been said time and again that NATO is indispensable as a defense of the West. Even Trump accepts this assertion. What he doesn’t accept is the U.S.…
When the great American experiment began it was as a letter to King George III to explain why the Continental Congress voted to declare independence from…
In June 1978 Solzhenitsyn delivered the commencement address at Harvard entitled “A World Split Apart.” It was a speech devoted to the emergence of…
In a new book that provides a powerful theological basis for something now ritualistically called “the social justice movement,” Jewish reformers among…
Syria has become the “sick man” of the Middle East, a territory laden with death and homelessness. In 2014 erstwhile president Barak Obama invited the…
The factors behind the agenda are all too visible.First, President Trump is committed to a North Korea without nuclear weapons, albeit some backsliding on…
With great fanfare Madeline Albright’s book, Fascism: A Warning, is being circulated to the leading lights in the publishing world. As the New York Times…