The Burlington, Vermont City Council held its July meeting at the temporary home of the Burlington High School, where councilors heard an update on construction of a new school and took up other city business.
The superintendent of Burlington, Vermont Public Schools and the city’s police chief have issued a joint apology following a simulated robbery in front of high school students at police headquarters.
Burlington, Vermont city and school officials gathered on Wednesday to mark the official groundbreaking for a new high school and technical center.
On August 15th the Burlington, Vermont City Council approved placing a question on the November ballot that asks voters to approve a general obligation bond up to $165 million to fund construction of a new high school and technical center. School officials are now holding public engagement sessions to urge residents to pass the measure.
The Burlington, Vermont City Council has approved putting a question on the November ballot asking city residents to approve bonding to build a new high school and technical center.
The Burlington School Board has passed a resolution that formally requests the city council place a question on the November ballot to approve bonding to build a new high school and technical center.
The Burlington, Vermont School Board heard the latest cost estimates for building a new high school and technical center.
The Burlington, Vermont School Board received an update this week on the design for the city’s new high school and technical center.
The Burlington, Vermont School Board has chosen a design for a new high school and technical center to replace current PCB-laden buildings. The selection moves the process into a schematic design phase, and officials recently held an in-person and virtual forum to discuss what that means for the project.
The Burlington, Vermont City Council approved the city’s 2023 budget and restricted short-term rentals this week.