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Remains Of Schooner Raised From Lake Champlain To Go Back To Navy

National Archives of Canada/Public Domain
Royal Savage shown run aground and burning during the Battle of Valcour - unknown artist

The remains of a Revolutionary War battleship burned and sunk as the Americans and British struggled for control of Lake Champlain are being turned over to the U.S. Navy.

The remains of the schooner Royal Savage in recent years have been in the possession of the city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. City officials are set to turn the materials over to Navy officials during a ceremony Wednesday in Harrisburg.

Art Cohn, director of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, tells The Associated Press the Royal Savage was one of several ships under the command of then-American General Benedict Arnold as he commanded efforts to build a navy on Lake Champlain to guard against a British invasion from Canada.

The ship was sunk during the Battle of Valcour Island.

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