Tim Kremer, executive director of the New York State School Boards Association, is welcoming today's election of Dr. Betty Rosa to head the Board of Regents. Kremer spoke with WAMC's Ian Pickus after the Board of Regents chose Rosa as chancellor. Rosa, a former superintendent from the Bronx, replaces Merryl Tisch, who's stepping down from the board after 20 years, the last seven as its leader. The board elected T. Andrew Brown as vice chancellor.
"I think it's a good choice," Kremer said.
Tisch oversaw several major policy changes during her tenure, including the state's adoption of the Common Core learning standards and teacher evaluations that relied in part on student test scores.
Rosa was endorsed by groups that opposed some of those reforms, including leaders of the opt-out movement that saw thousands of students refuse to take state assessments in protest of their high-stakes consequences for students and teachers.
With Associated Press.