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Largest Ever Adirondack Development Under Final Consideration

By Pat Bradley


Ray Brook, NY – After nearly eight years of permit applications, revisions, debate, public and adjudicatory hearings the proposed Adirondack Club and Resort development project is now before APA commissioners for a final decision on the largest project to ever come before the board. APA Executive Director Terri Martino laid out what is to be assessed during a series of Board meetings.

Agency lawyers advised commissioners regarding the legal criteria required under the course of their deliberations, including how their findings must meet the APA Act and other laws, and when and how Commissioners can seek advice of staff that have worked on the project. APA Staff member Rick Weber then described the more than 65-hundred acre Adirondack Club and Resort project.

This is a multi-year plan with a building schedule over 15 years in 4 phases. Thursday morning Commissioners heard a detailed overview of the project and plans for its first and second phase. The afternoon session dealt with project issues, including sewer and stormwater runoff impacts and natural resource protection considerations. During the afternoon review, one of the APA commissioners asked staff if they could be assured they will receive all the information they need to make a fair and reasoned decision.

The meetings are being webcast live and the Wild Center in Tupper Lake is among the locations broadcasting the proceedings. Executive Director Stephanie Ratcliffe says the APA asked if they would accommodate members of the public who might not be able to travel to Ray Brook for the proceedings.

APA commissioners will also discuss this plan at their December meeting. A final decision on the project is expected during their January meeting.