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Millionaire's Tax March Planned Today in Albany, Governor Cuomo Not Worried


Albany, NY – Governor Andrew Cuomo says he's not worried about a planned demonstration in downtown Albany Thursday in favor of extending the state's surcharge on millionaires, and he says he's not changing his mind on the matter. Capitol Correspondent Karen DeWitt reports...

Cuomo says he's not fazed by the planned march, and says he's used to protesters, who frequented the Capitol during the budget debate and the gay marriage vote. He says he respects their right to demonstrate, but he's not going to alter his position.

"I don't think anyone can argue, but that increasing taxes on individuals and businesses is not good for the economic health of the state," the governor said.

The governor says he backs President Obama's plan to raise taxes on wealthier Americans.

"I support the millionaire's tax on the federal level," Cuomo said.

Cuomo also commented on published reports that said his aides asked the City of Albany to shut down the Occupy Albany protest last Friday night. The governor says the decision to allow the encampment to remain was made by the City when protesters moved off state land onto city property, and Cuomo says he's "fine" with that, and understands the protesters' discontent. But he says if the encampment spreads to state land, a long standing 7 pm curfew will be enforced.

In Albany, I'm Karen DeWitt.