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Municipalities Face Waste Crisis

By Dave Lucas


Albany, NY – Municipalities across the Northeast are facing growing concerns over trash: landfills are filling up and the cost of hauling garbage is rising: Capital District Bureau Chief Dave Lucas reports.

Like death and taxes, garbage is an unavoidable component of society - there's always something that has to be thrown out - and there has to be a designated place where collected trash can safely be dumped, stored or recycled.

In Orange County there's a a major regional recycling project proposing to transform waste into energy through a process known as biomass gasification.

The Albany County Town of Colonie has opted to hire a private company to run its landfill - Colonie will get 23 million dollars up front - Colonie Supervisor Paula Mahan expects the town to take in about a hundred million over the next 25 years.

Former NYS DEC Commissioner Denise Sheehan, is currently running against Mahan for Colonie Town Supervisor- she's not sure that placing landfills in private hands in the best idea.

Warren County officials face a November deadline on deciding what to do about waste when Hudson Falls trash plant is sold to a private company. And although waste is now considered a "commodity" there are economy-related issues that have emerged.

The county sent out a request for proposals and is now weighing offers from three firms, including the trash plant's buyer. Massachusetts has a long-term plan for solid waste management and eventually wants to eliminate organic waste in landfills.

Experts agree the ultimate solution to landfill problems is to recycle and reuse rather than continually bury our trash in the ground.