By Pat Bradley
Paul Smith?s, NY – Salt, or sodium chloride, has been used to control road icing since 1938. And scientists are finding that water quality and the ecosystem are being impacted by its use. A conference at Paul Smiths college, north of Saranac Lake, brought together conservation groups and transportation officials to discuss winter road salt damage in the Adirondacks. This is not the first conference assessing statewide policies to address salt damage, according to Adirondack Council Spokesman John Sheehan........ A-D-K-Action-dot-org Water Quality Committee Chair Lee Keet says the NYS DOT has been working to reduce usage of salt, but there is not a common policy between municipalities, and salt that is used has leached into groundwater.... The effects of road salt is not a problem unique to the Adirondacks. The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies has issued several studies on the increased salinization of water across the Northeast due to the use of road salt. Their most recent Special Report, published in December, was co-authored by Vicki Kelly..... More information is available on our website: