By Dave Lucas
Albany, NY – The push to allow commercial farmers to plant hemp in New York comes back to the Capitol, as we hear in this report from WAMC's Dave Lucas.
Hemp farming in New York isn't likely to happen anytime soon. The likelihood of activists catching Governor Paterson's attention these days is a trying task at best. Nonetheless rallygoers in Albany are united in one cause: to end what they say is the "unlawful prohibition of cannabis cultivation" in the state of New York. The Activists say New Yorkers are being falsely arrested to satisfy corporate interests who gain from the prohibition of hemp. They want Governor Paterson to end that prohibition; Some 14 states have enacted legislation to legalize medical marijuana: Longtime Hemp advocate Abigail Storm says, "Since the New York State Legislature decriminalized cannabis use in 1977 because 'scientific evidence clearly shows no significant harm or no harm at all from marijuana use', the state has had no compelling interest for more than 30 years to continue arresting New York citizens for cannabis cultivation and possession." NYCAMP's position is that the cultivation of cannabis hemp is a God given inalienable right, protected by the State and Federal Constitutions and cannot be lawfully removed by a vote, meaning the laws prohibiting hemp cultivation in New York State in effect are null and void and can be challenged.
NYCAMP's Star Nigro says tonight's rally isn't the end of the push to get the Governor interested in hemp. No word from the Governor's office as to whether or not he personally received or read the letter.