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Safe Ride 2010

By Dave Lucas


Albany, NY – Efforts to stop drunk driving reach their zenith New Year's Eve - Capital District Bureau Chief Dave Lucas reports on a united effort to ensure safe rides home across the region.

Partygoers, it's time to start planning for a safe ride home tonight: there's no shortage of alternatives to getting behind the wheel...Albany County's Safe Ride is back after a one-year hiatus. Those intersted in the free program running from 10pm-3am call 720-8100. Albany County's Safe Ride is paid for by fines on drivers, NOT taxpayer money.

Attorney Dan Dagostino of Martin, Harding and Mazotti says the firm has been doing their safe ride home program for over ten years now. (Available in Albany, Schenectady, Rensselaer and Saratoga Counties)... call 1-800-LAW1010

County Executive Kathy Jimino says Renssealer County is working with Netter's Fund to provide free transportation 10pm-31m by calling 271-2097 or 271-5105. Schenectady County residents can take a taxi home for free by calling 374-4101. Bennington County also has a program for their residents to get home safe. Those interested can call 802-442-4900 between 10pm-3am.