Pittsfield city councilors want answers on why road conditions remained poor days after the most recent weekend snow storm. The city is already a couple hundred thousand dollars over its winter storm budget.Saying he’s received numerous constituent phone calls, Councilor Barry Clairmont has filed a petition calling for Pittsfield’s mayor, public utilities commissioner and highway superintendent to explain the road clearing delays to the city council.
“Seems to me that the roads in Pittsfield after this last storm were not nearly in good shape as the surrounding communities,” Clairmont said. “So I wanted to explore what it was that we didn’t do that maybe we should have done.”
Mayor Dan Bianchi says he planned to meet with the DPU commissioner, highway superintendent and the city council president.
“We’re out there doing what we’re supposed to be doing and I think we’re starting to get a little bit ahead of the curve,” said Bianchi.
Pittsfield just received more road salt, Bianchi says extremely cold temperatures have limited its effectiveness. Two other councilors filed similar petitions.