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Fearless 2018 Predictions

Every year, I offer my fearless predictions for the coming months. The rules, as always, are simple. Sometimes I really don’t want something to happen so I predict an event in the hope of putting the triple whammy on it in order to prevent it from occurring. Sometimes I do want it to happen so I predict it will, and sometimes I really believe that it will happen. It is always your job to try to figure out which is which.

So, I predict:

WAMC will buy its main broadcast tower, thus securing the future of the station. It will not be easy. We will have to go to each of you to make it happen but I predict that the outpouring of love, support and understanding will be so great that the Herculean task will be accomplished. Many of you will dig deep because you absolutely understand how essential it is to meet the goal which, of course, will be on top of one of our three regular fund drives. There will be an awareness that we are all in this together. These are the words that make up the credo of who we are and how we have defied all odds to make the best public radio station in the country. We did it together out of love and commitment.

The WAMC family will grow as staff members continue to have babies. One couple will have twins and will name them after two of our 29 stations. One will be called Ticonderoga, the other Beacon.

The right side of the David A. Galletly newsroom will feature a sign that reads, “The Right Side.”

Donald Trump will order the FCC to strip WAMC of any federal support. I will say, “Bring it on, we’re ready. That’s why we have the First Amendment Fund.”

An internet troll will be discovered to be writing WAMC under assumed names. We will be amazed when we figure out who it is.

Murray the Dog will be honored by the ASPCA. His citation will read, “Murray has brought honor to dogs everywhere.”

Two WAMC staff members will fall in love. Attorney Jeff Honeywell will be consulted.

Heads will continue to roll at National Public Radio. Jarl Mohn, the currently on-leave head man will resign because of continuing health problems. His resignation will be met with deep regret on the part of those who have developed special relationships with him.

The NPR business meetings which require a quorum of stations will continue to have difficulty getting necessary numbers to move forward to do business despite all kinds of questionable methods of meeting a quorum.

The Berkshire Eagle’s Larry Parnass will be nominated for and actually receive a Pulitzer Prize for his investigative reporting on the Berkshire Museum’s attempts to sell their most important and expensive paintings.

In its efforts to cut costs at WAMC, a blue ribbon panel will suggest that the station start charging for coffee. It won’t happen.

The Mayor of Albany will finally do something about the prostitution problem that exists on Central Avenue. The pimps who follow the women around are truly scary.

WAMC will receive an award for being the most diverse broadcaster in our area.

The police will finally patrol the bus station out in front of WAMC where loitering, smoking (not allowed), urination and fights are not all that uncommon.

A listener will make a false accusation about having heard a dirty word on the radio.

The WAMC Jeep will use the winch on its front to save the occupants of a car that drove off the road.

To make ends meet, Ray Graf will become a standup comedian playing the clubs. He’ll spend a lot of time imitating me talking about Fire Island and Camp Bronx House.

You, dear listeners will have a happy, healthy and safe New Year.

Dr. Alan Chartock is professor emeritus at the University at Albany. He hosts the weekly Capitol Connection series, heard on public radio stations around New York. The program, for almost 12 years, highlighted interviews with Governor Mario Cuomo and now continues with conversations with state political leaders. Dr. Chartock also appears each week on The Media Project and The Roundtable and offers commentary on Morning Edition, weekdays at 7:40 a.m.
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