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Paul Elisha: On the Tolerance for Difference

The currently dis-United States of ours has arrived at a trying juncture, in its turbulent tribulations, to determine the actual status of its democratic durability.

The most irritating sticking point in any test of egalitarian longevity is the tolerance of its participants for difference.  Those who initiated this test had witnessed the persistence of certain despots and various dictators of theocratic and political doctrine, to impose unremitting subservience upon initiates and adherents;  compliance that spelled lifelong indenture at the least and at worst, physical deprivation, torture and death.  Thus, they were determined to emplace freedom of and from religious practice, as Constitutional cornerstones of individual prerogative.

Those now actively at work to disunite us are applying deliberate distortion and judicial misinterpretation of Constitutional intent and language, deliberately designed to deprive the greatest proportion of our electorate of their most valuable and powerful electoral protections.  Those who understand the enormity of this loss must stand together, regardless of differences in religious or political persuasion, to redress this insidious assault.  Their words and actions must leave no doubt in the comprehension and conviction of politicians and jurists at every level, that the “one nation, indivisible,” our founders envisioned is alive and kicking--- and determined to stay that way.

If you truly believe you are one such American, it’s incumbent upon you to stand up and say so… now!


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