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51% Show # 1068


Albany, NY – 2009 was an extraordinarily difficult year - a year with economic challenges, increased tensions in many parts of the world, escalated wars and continued terrorist attacks. Women Without Borders is an organization that believes that the answer to our problems is an open dialog - communication among people on opposite sides of disputes. Edit Schlaffer is the founder of Women Without Borders, and she's convinced that understanding is the path that will pave the road to a more peaceful future.

8:08 Shlaffer

Edit Shlaffer is the founder of Women Without Borders, an international group dedicated to finding cooperative solutions to the world's problems. For more information, go to womenwithoutborders.org.

It takes a special kind of courage to speak out, to stand up when experience has taught you that it will make you a target. But a group of brave women in Zimbabwe continue to put their lives at risk to speak out against injustice while standing together...and they traveled to Washington to be honored. Laura Iiyama has a report from Washington.

6:43 WOZA Iiyama

To find out more, visit WOZAzimbabwe.org.

And finally, horizontal gas drilling technology is drawing fire across the country, with charges that it's contributing to earthquakes in Fort Worth, polluted wells in Wyoming, and new health problems from Colorado to Pennsylvania. New York's Marcellus and Utica shale deposits are rich deposits of natural gas that can only be accessed by hydrofracking. Sabrina Artel, who travels the country interviewing people at the kitchen table of her tag along trailer, lives over the Marcellus shale. And she's worried.

4:56 Artel gas drilling

For a full discussion of the issue, you'll find extensive coverage on Northeast Public Radio's website at wamc.org. For more from Sabrina Artel, visit sabrinaartel.com

That's it for this week. As the new year begins, consider this from Margaret Sanger: "Woman must not accept; she must challenge. She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression."