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51% Show # 1018


Albany, NY – A new Marist College poll indicates that this year's top three New Year's resolutions were losing weight, kicking tobacco, and spending less. Being a better person got knocked into fourth place. But clearly we still want to be healthier. But are many of us still trying to find that fountain of youth? 51%'s Katie Britton gets the skinny from Beth Teitell, author of Drinking Problems at the Fountain of Youth.

4:07 Teitell - Britton

Coming up on 51%, a website for women who want more than just a pat on the head when they have questions about their health.

Part of health is knowing how to best deal with illness. And there's a website aimed at helping women take control of their health care. It's called Empowher dot com...spelled empowher. It was started by Michelle Robson of Phoenix, Arizona and it was born of desperation.

6:55 Empowher - Barnett

For more information and some good healthy discussion, go to empowher.com - Women's Health Online. It's spelled empow-her.

For the final segment of our National Science Foundation "The Sounds of Progress" series, narrator Kate Mulgrew introduces us to Theano. She may be the person responsible for something used by architects and artists as well as mathematicians.

2:00 NSF #25 Theano

If you'd like to find out more or hear more in this series, visit www.womeninscience.org. FREE CDs are still available.

Now it's time for a couple of personal perspectives on what it takes to stay youthful. For Barbara Traynor, it's all about adventure.

3:18 Traynor essay

Barbara Traynor, when she's at home, lives in upstate New York. Kimberly Kay has another view of staying youthful...she's getting to play grandmother - and she's doing it her way.

4:32 Kay essay