Albany , NY – TO: Program Directors
FROM: WAMC, Albany, NY
RE: 51 PERCENT program rundown
DT: FRIDAY, December 22nd, 2006
STATIONS: This week's show is 910 Listeners can
purchase a cassette copy by calling 1-800-323-9262.
There is a :30 promo at the end of the program.
On this week's program:
There are only two women's hospitals left in the country...and one of them has been tapped to close. A New York State advisory commission has put Bellvue Hospital in Niskayuna New York on a suggested list of hospitals to shut down. That would make Woman's Hospital in New Orleans the last women's hospital in the nation. Why does this matter? What is a woman's hospital anyway... and how is it different from any other hospital? That's what I asked Anne Sailles, CEO of Bellvue Hospital for women...
The Holiday Season can be a very Romantic time of year. And it's one of the most popular times of year to pop the question. If you're newly engaged you're probably very excited and making all kinds of plans for the future. Well 51%'s money expert Susan Sweetser says don't forget the financial plans. Susan is an attorney and she heads up the women's market division for Mass Mutual Financial Group. And she's got some advice that a lot of people feel throws cold water on a new engagement...get a pre nuptial agreement.... I don't know Susan... doesn't it kind of suck the romance out of the whole thing?
Dar Williams shares an, unorthodox holiday story.
30 Second Promo
STATIONS: If you have comments or suggestions please contact Mary Darcy at
ATTENTION PRODUCERS AND REPORTERS: Here is an opportunity to have your stories
aired on a nationally syndicated program! 51% is now accepting stories for
broadcast. Call Mary Darcy at 800-323-9262 x.185. Pitch your story idea, and
if we like the idea, you'll be asked to send the story for review. We're looking
for interesting and enlightening women's issues stories or profiles on women
you think are inspirational. Thank You.
Satellite feed: Friday, December 22nd 1100-1129,
Channel A73.5 M
"51 Percent" is produced by WAMC with
support from Russell Sage College, the
college for women in Troy, New York
and her sister colleges in the Sage Colleges
Stations may air the entire show or
excerpt portions, with appropriate
credit given upon notification of WAMC.
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