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"The Spotlight feature is designed to introduce new underwriters to our listeners. WAMC relies on the support of our underwriters and we are pleased to present them to you. Please take a few minutes to learn more about how the people who help us can help you." – James Farison, Head of UnderwritingInterested in becoming an underwriter? Get more information here.

FISH 307

Join us at our new location for more opportunities to FISH in Lake George, NY!

FISH307 is excited to open a new location in the Adirondack Park of New York. The new property, located at 814 Goggins Road, Lake George, is 3.3 miles north of the current store, and provides TWO TIMES the square footage of the current store, which is at the Lake George factory outlets.

The public is invited to celebrate the Grand Opening with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, on December 16th, at 2pm, performed in conjunction with the Lake George Chamber of Commerce and the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce, both of which will join FISH307 for this auspicious occasion. The Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce recognized FISH307 as its Small Business of the Year in 2021!

The celebration will continue Saturday, December 17th, with a Grand Opening event. The event will begin at 8am, and will feature a day filled with product specials, giveaways, special announcements (including the naming of the FISH MASCOT, and naming of the new FISH307 CLASSROOM SPACE- both of which have been chosen from names suggested by customers). There will be live music by the well-known local musician, Rich Ortiz, and the Miller BBQ food truck will offer selections from their menu for customer purchase. Many suppliers will be in house for product demonstrations and how-to seminars. All ages are welcome, and everyone is enthusiastically invited to celebrate with FISH307!

Everyone through the door will receive a ticket to enter for many great prizes, and there will be many opportunities to win throughout the day!

“We are thankful for the loyalty of our customers,” said Jeff Goldberg, President, and founder of FISH307. “They are the reason we have been able to continue to grow throughout these 30 plus years.”

FISH307 just celebrated its 30-year anniversary of providing thousands of customers with an incredible array of fishing tackle, ice fishing gear- including cold weather clothing and shelters- live bait, equipment from Berkley, Rapala, Shimano, Dawia, Cannon, Scotty, Minn Kota, 13 Fishing, and many more!

FISH307 not only provides fishing supplies like bait and tackle but is recognized for carrying the largest selection of repair parts in the country for Minn Kota trolling motors and Cannon and Scotty downriggers.

The name FISH307 came from its long history in the Lake George region. The business started in 1992 as Peace Pipe Bait & Tackle as an addition to the Peace Pipe Cottages in Bolton Landing, NY. As the fishing tackle business grew, the name changed to Peace Pipe Fishing Outfitters.

In 1994, the business began serving customers through the mail. A toll-free telephone number was needed for out-of-town customers. A phone number that spelled out “F-I-S-H” was desired. The only number available at the time was 1-800-FISH307 (3474). And thus, the name FISH307 was born. This phone number has become a household name in the fishing business.

FISH307 team members partner in the company’s success and make the mission come alive. FISH307 customers have responded tremendously and have enabled FISH307 to extend the operation worldwide.

The entire team is participating in making the vision of great products and unparalleled customer service a reality.

“FISH307, and our knowledgeable staff members, are excited that our new location is directly off Exit 21 of the Northway, enabling us to more readily serve our anglers in the upstate New York region.” said Jeff Goldberg. “We can’t wait to show our customers our great new space, here on Goggins Road in Lake George, which was made with them in mind!”

The new FISH307 retail space hours are subject to change seasonally. Check the website, fish307.com, for the current hours.

Spotlight articles are provided as a service to WAMC underwriters, and do not reflect the views of WAMC or its management.

A Valued WAMC Underwriter
Underwriters are businesses that provide vital financial support to the station. Many of these underwriters have detailed, article-length material that they would like to share, a service that we provide through our Underwriter Spotlights section.