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Elizabeth Warren's Campaign Launches First TV Ad


Springfield, MA – With nearly a year to go before the election for US Senate in Massachusetts, Democrat Elizabeth Warrens campaign is airing its first TV ad. WAMC's Paul Tuthill reports...

In the sixty second ad, the would-be challenger to Republican Senator Scott Brown, talks about her childhood...

"Like a lot of you, I came up the hard way," said Warren. "My dad sold carpet. And when he had a heart attack, my mom went to work so we could keep our house. We all worked. My three brothers joined the military. I got married at 19."

Warren also highlights her longstanding criticism of Wall Street and her work in setting up the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

This is the first broadcast ad by a candidate in the 2012 Massachusetts Senate Race. Ads aired by a pro-Republican group have linked Warren with the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Brown has been the target of critical ads by the League of Women Voters and the League of Conservation Voters.

Paul Tuthill, WAMC News.