The Burlington, Vermont Police Commission has met for the first time since the city’s police chief announced he is stepping down. But little was said Tuesday about that decision.
Burlington, Vermont’s police chief plans to leave his post early next year.
Burlington, Vermont city councilors held a sometimes contentious debate on public safety proposals during their meeting Monday night.
During the Burlington, Vermont Police Commission meeting this week, concerns were raised about increasing violence in the city in the aftermath of the first homicide of the year.
The Burlington, Vermont Board of Finance met this week. The panel, which includes members of the City Council, reviewed a number of items including contracts for a road construction project and police body cameras.
The Burlington, Vermont Police Commission has approved a new version of the Police Department’s complaint review process.
The superintendent of Burlington, Vermont Public Schools and the city’s police chief have issued a joint apology following a simulated robbery in front of high school students at police headquarters.
Of the 19 department heads scheduled to be considered for reappointment, the police chief was the only one that garnered debate.
The Burlington, Vermont Police Department has updated its website to provide a more detailed description of its Priority Response Plan.
The Burlington, Vermont City Council held the first of two public hearings this week on proposed city charter amendments to potentially be placed on the March 5th Town Meeting Day ballot. A motion on one of the amendments led to sharp exchanges between councilors.