New York's violent crimes increased 2.3 percent statewide to more than 79,000 last year despite a drop in New York City murders.
State data on serious property and violent crimes still show an overall 13 percent decade-long decline to about 450,000 last year.
That reflects fewer crimes in all categories, led by a 62 percent drop in stolen vehicles.
While the city's murders declined almost 19 percent to 419 in 2012, the fewest recorded in decades, aggravated assaults, robberies and forcible rapes all rose to nearly 53,000 violent crimes, up 3.5 percent from 2011.
For the rest of the state, violent crimes were nearly flat at about 26,000 last year, with declines in forcible rapes and robberies, an uptick in aggravated assaults and 265 murders, a 4 percent increase.
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