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CT Judicial Marshal Pleads Guilty To Coercing Prostitutes

A former Connecticut judicial marshal has pleaded guilty to coercing prostitutes into sex and agreed to serve one year in prison.Michael Connelly of Waterbury appeared Thursday in Litchfield Superior Court. He pleaded to charges including promoting prostitution, trafficking in persons, sexual assault and larceny. Sentencing is set for Aug. 9.

The pleas were made under the Alford doctrine, meaning Connelly did not admit guilt but conceded there was enough evidence to convict him.

Connelly was arrested in 2014 and fired from his job at the Waterbury courthouse.

Officials say Connelly posed as a police official in Waterbury and threatened to arrest prostitutes if they did not have sex with him for money. Authorities say three women complied.

Connelly is the brother of the late Waterbury State's Attorney John Connelly.

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