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NY "Move Over Law" Crackdown Week Nets 865 tickets


Albany, NY – State troopers handed out 865 tickets during a week-long enforcement blitz for New York's "Move Over" law. WAMC's Tristan O'Neill reports...

The crackdown was conducted last week in State Police Troop F, based in Middletown, Troop K in Poughkeepsie, and Troop T, which covers the Thruway.

The new law requires drivers to move over and slow down when passing an emergency vehicle that's stopped on the shoulder of a road or highway with its emergency lights flashing. If traffic or other hazards prevent drivers from moving into the next lane, they must at least slow down.

A violation of this law is a punishable by a fine of up to $275, plus mandatory court surcharges. It will also result in two points on the driver's license record.

Tristan O'Neill, WAMC News.

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