Any Questions?

Any Questions #635: "WAR"

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Last week's challenge
Start with the last name of a screen actor. The first two letters of this person’s last name are also the first two letters of a real person the actor portrayed in 2023. Who is it?
Answer: Jacob Elordi portrayed Elvis in “Priscilla”

On-air questions: On April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. This battle is commonly recognized as the first battle of the U.S. Civil War. While the Battle of Fort Sumter is the beginning of a war, our answers have war at the beginning: each correct answer will begin with the letters WAR.

1. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the film Bonnie and Clyde, who presented the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2017 along with his co-star Faye Dunaway?
2. What city is the birthplace of film producer Samuel Goldwyn, mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, and physicist and chemist Marie Curie?
3. What name is shared by the Georgia town that was home to a spa resort frequented by Franklin Roosevelt during his tenure as U.S. President and a 2005 made-for-TV film starring Kenneth Branagh as FDR and Cynthia Nixon as First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt?
4. What company, known for its Home Try-On and Buy a Pair, Give a Pair programs, is asking for donations of solar eclipse glasses which it will send to Astronomers Without Borders for redistribution around the world?
5. Complete this analogy, as it relates to the world of Disney animated films: Timon : meerkat :: Pumbaa : [what]? 
Extra credit
1. Which English actor is among the top-grossing supporting actors of all time, in part due to roles in the films Willow and Star Wars: Episode IV – Return of the Jedi?
2. What two-word term was first coined by Justin Timberlake at the 2004 Grammys in reference to an incident that took place at Super Bowl XXXVIII the previous week?
This week's challenge
Start with the title WAR AND PEACE. Change one letter to a U and you can rearrange the result to spell the six-letter name of a country and the five-letter name of a unit of currency used in a different country. What are the words?

On-air questions
1. Warren Beatty
2. Warsaw
3. Warm Springs
4. Warby Parker
5. Warthog 

Extra credit
1. Warwick Davis
2. Wardrobe malfunction