Predicted Hard Freeze Could Damage Vermont Crops

Agriculture officials in Vermont are concerned that two to three days of predicted hard frosts could damage some early crops.        

Vermont Emergency Management and the state Agency of Agriculture say a National Weather Service forecast of  two to three days of  low temperatures in the mid-20's to lower 30's in parts of the region will result in hard frosts.  That will damage fruit crops, including apples and grapes. Vermont Farm Bureau President Clark Hinsdale owned the Charlotte Berry Farm for 15 years.  He says the key problem is early budding that occurred this year.
New York Farm Bureau Spokesman Matt Nelligan says growers have been challenged by wide temperature swings since early March and hard frosts remain a concern.

Clark Hinsdale expects that only certain crops are at risk due to a hard freeze.

The critical temperature is 28 degrees and below. That’s when frost kills buds and blossoms. One night of a killing frost can damage crops.

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