BARKA Foundation Founders, Exclusive Interview

By Charlie Deitz

Great Barrington, Ma – Burkina Faso is a landlocked nation in West Africa, and according to the CIA's World Book, one of the poorest in the world with an unemployment rate at almost 80 percent. 10 years ago, a Berkshire based couple put their lives on hold to help the Burkina people . Ina and Esu Anahata founded the BARKA foundation to help provide water and education to Burkina's poorest villages. Last September, our Berkshire Bureau Chief Charile Deitz spoke with the couple from their hotel in the West African country, this week, they're back in the states raising money and awareness for their cause, along their travels, they dropped into our Berkshire Bureau for an exclusive interview. They begin the conversation by talking about some of Burkina's inherent problems

The Barka Foundation founded by Ina and Esu Anahata

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