Any Questions? #88

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WAMC's Ian Pickus and resident quizzer Mike Nothnagel focus on New Hampshire on this week's quiz.

Last week's challenge
Start with the word ONE-MAN. Insert the same letter twice (and don't rearrange the other letters) to spell a two-word phrase that describes one way to watch a movie. What is the phrase?
Answer: If you insert two Ds, you can spell ON DEMAND.

On-air questions: On May 3, 2003, the Old Man of the Mountain, a group of five granite ledges located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, collapsed almost 200 years after it was discovered. To remember the Old Man, this week our quiz is about the great state of New Hampshire.
1. New Hampshire's four-word state motto comes from an 1809 toast give by General John Stark, the most famous New Hampshire soldier to fight in the American Revolution. What motto is it?
2. In August of 1852, New Hampshire's Lake Winnipesaukee was the site of the first intercollegiate athletic event, in which Harvard defeated Yale in what sport?
3. The towns of Dixville Notch and Hart's Location vote at midnight on election day, as allowed by state law. This tradition was used as part of a storyline in a 2002 episode of what political drama?
4. With 400 representatives and 24 senators, the New Hampshire legislature (called the General Court) is the third-largest elected body in the English-speaking world. What two elected bodies are larger?
5. The river that forms the border of New Hampshire and its western neighbor, Vermont, is named for another state. What state lends its name to this river?

Extra credit
1. Of the 43 states with ocean coastlines, New Hampshire's is the shortest, at approximately 18 miles. What Atlantic state has the second-shortest coastline, measuring about 28 miles?
2. One of the eight senators included in John F. Kennedy's book Profiles in Courage was born in New Hampshire, although he served as a senator from Massachusetts. Which senator is it, who was honored in Kennedy's book for his support of the Compromise of 1850?

This week's challenge
As our listeners may know, New Hampshire is the Granite State. So, start with the word GRANITE. Add a letter and rearrange the result in two different ways to get two words that you might hear in a math class. What are they?

On-air questions

1. "Live free or die" (bonus fact: the rest of his toast was "Death is not the worst of evils.")
2. Rowing
3. The West Wing
4. the British Parliament (with approximately 1,400 members) and the U.S. Congress (535 members)
5. Connecticut

Extra credit
1. Delaware
2. Daniel Webster

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A lifelong resident of the Capital Region, Ian joined WAMC in late 2008 and became news director in 2013. He began working on Morning Edition and has produced The Capitol Connection, Congressional Corner, and several other WAMC programs. Ian can also be heard as the host of the WAMC News Podcast and on The Roundtable and various newscasts. Ian holds a BA in English and journalism and an MA in English, both from the University at Albany, where he has taught journalism since 2013.