51% Show # 1126


Albany, NY – Majora Carter is an environmental activist and the founder of Sustainable South Bronx. She spearheaded the creation of a riverside park on what had been a garbage dump. Her organization then began a green training and jobs placement program. She was named a MacArthur fellow in 2005 and has piled up the awards since then. She went into the private sector and started her own company, but her focus is still on the environment. James Mill has this report.

8:32 Majora Carter

The truth can be a subjective thing - so much depends on your point of view. Selena Rezvani says that's her experience when she talks to women about the glass ceiling - and she thinks it's important to look around, and speak up.

4:04 Glass Ceiling Rezvani

Selena Rezvani is an author and consultant. Find out more at nextgenwomen.com.

Now we cannot let Valentine's Day go by without a look at modern romance. And it's sure changed. If you're not aware of the huge role the Internet now plays in dating, you're just not paying attention. But online dating isn't the only new way to find the love of your life - the concept of speed dating is still going strong - particularly if your mate has to share your religious beliefs. Nus Mukhalad reports.

3:33 PRX Muslim speed date

And finally, February 14th marks a global day to speak out against violence against women. V-Day was the creation of Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues. It has grown every year and has spread all over the world. Marianne Schnall, founder of feminist.com, remembers how it began.

5:17 Marianne Schnall 2

Marianne Schnall is the founder of feminist.com - which now also hosts a regular 51% column. Her new book is Daring to be Ourselves. Find out more at daringtobeourselves.com.

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