Deval and Diane Patrick live at the Colonial

Deval Patrick was reelected to a second term as Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in November 2010.

Sunday, March 10, Deval Patrick and his wife, Massachusetts First Lady Diane Patrick, sat down with WAMC's Alan Chartock live at the Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield  for a wide-ranging interview. Chartock touched on the Patrick's past, present, and future, including the governor's political ambitions.

Governor Patrick’s life has charted a path from the South Side of Chicago to the U.S. Justice Department, Fortune 500 boardrooms, and now the Massachusetts State House. He is the author of A Reason to Believe: Lessons from an Improbable Life, in which he documents his childhood and rise to political prominence.

Diane and Deval Patrick have been married for more than twenty-five years and have two adult daughters.

(Click here to read the Berkshire Eagle's report on Sunday's event.)


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