By Pat Bradley
Montpelier, VT – Within the Vermont Agency of Commerce, the Global Trade Partnership promotes international trade. The Vermont Chamber of Commerce has maintained an office in Shanghai, China for 15 years. Both just received a 364-thousand dollar grant from the Small Business Administration to help the state's small businesses reach global markets. Vermont Chamber of Commerce President Betsy Bishop.
Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce President Tom Torti says for years Vermont entrepreneurs have reached out to other places on the planet to sell their goods. But Torti says they are also pro-active with unique programs.
And Torti says it is valid to use a per capita measurement to say Vermont leads the nation in exports.
Economist and Publisher of the Vermont Economy Newsletter Dick Heaps says while the state's export trade is strong, using a per capita measurement skews the results.
Vermont's primary trading partner is Canada, followed by China, with strong growth occurring in South America, Europe and Turkey.