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Vermont Utility Rejects Entergy and Buys Out of State Nuclear Power

By Pat Bradley


South Burlington, VT – Under the purchase agreement with NextEra Energy Resources, the owner of Seabrook, Green Mountain Power will purchase 60 megawatts beginning in 2015 and diminish to 40 megawatts by the end of the contract. The utility will pay 4.66 cents per kilowatt hour in 2012 with an inflation trigger to protect customers from future price swings. An additional 25 megawatts will be available to other Vermont utilities under the same terms. Green Mountain Power Spokesperson Dorothy Schnure.....
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Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Vice President of Environmental Affairs Paul Comey says it's a good deal for two reasons......
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Vermont Public Interest Research Group Executive Director Paul Burns says while he'd prefer that nuclear was not part of the deal, he finds it interesting that one of Vermont's largest and most progressive utilities contracted with an out-of-state nuclear plant ......
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GMP's Dorothy Schnure says the power deal announced Tuesday has nothing to do with Vermont Yankee....
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Conservation Law Foundation Vermont State Director Chris Killian says Green Mountain Power should have avoided nuclear power altogether.....
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The deal must be approved by the Vermont Public Service Board.