By Pat Bradley
Montpelier, VT – Vermont Governor Peter Schumlin says he believes recent heavy snows and flooding are tied to climate disruption, and the state needs to manage the threats and impacts. The Climate Cabinet will be chaired by Agency of Natural Resources Secretary Deb Markowitz, who says climate change is the most serious environmental issue facing Vermont and its future. She says Vermont must be prepared to respond to changes that are already happening......
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Markowitz believes the work of the Climate Cabinet could be a national model ......
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A number of goals have been outlined for the group to address, including what impact Vermonters can expect from climate change, expansion of the state's green economy, strategies for the state to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and in-state development of renewable and sustainable energy sources. Vermont Public Interest Research Group Executive Director Paul Burns......
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Vermont Natural Resources Council Executive Director Elizabeth Courtney praises Governor Schumlin's Climate Cabinet for it's interdisciplinary mode, resourcefulness and potential for policy implementation......
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Vermont League of Conservation Voters Executive Director Andrea Stander is pleased that Governor Schumlin is placing climate change and its impact at the top of his agenda.....
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The members of the Climate Cabinet are the Secretaries of Natural Resources, Administration, Agriculture Food and Markets, Commerce and Community Development, and Transportation; and the Commissioners of the Departments of Economic, Housing and Community Development, Buildings and General Services and Public Service.